Subjects: Malti

Meta r-ramel sar blu – Ktieb b’tema ambjentali

Ktieb miktub bil-Malti immirat ghal etajiet minn 8 sa 12-il sena.  Is-Sa Denise Muscat mhux biss kitbet l-istorja imma ħejjiet ukoll id-disinji għalih. Il-ktieb hu spirat mill-għaram tar-ramel li hawn fil-gżejjer Maltin u l-Fekruna l-Komuni li tbejjet f’uħud mill-bajjiet ramlin f’malta u Għawdex.  Il-ktieb jinkludi wkoll xi fatti storiċi u emfasi fuq l-effetti negattivi tal-plastik fuq il-kreaturi tal-baħar. Il-pubblikazzjoni hija ta’ Horizons b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu. Fekruna anzjana qed tirrakkonta dwar bajja fejn kienet titla’ tbid snin ilu… Hemm bajja bir-ramel ħamrani fejn il-fjuri bojod tal-pankrazju jirriflettu l-kwiekeb. Fejn qalb il-baħar tħabbat kulur il-lapislazzuli. “Ara titfixkel mal-ħbula! Attenta min-nies!” twiddeb lill-fekruna żagħżugħa. Iżda x’sabet din il-fekruna meta telgħet hi fuq din il-bajja tal-ħolm? Book in Maltese aimed for ages 8-12, in Maltese. The book has an environmental theme, inspired by local sand dunes and the sea turtle. It also has some historical facts and emphasis on the harmful effects of plastic on sea life. All the illustrations are original.


St Michael School EkoSkola Newsletter April – June 2022

    Aħbarijiet mill-kumitat tal-EkoSkola tal-Iskola St Michael, Santa Venera… A T T I V I T A J I E T    M I L L – K U M I T A T Air quality Webinar Presentation Green Flag evaluation Xogħol fuq Serra Ħidma fIl-Ballut ta’ Marsaxlokk Mobility Presentation Eko-Parlament Rovigo Erasmus Training F ’ D I N  I L – Ħ A R Ġ A Editorjal Clouds Marine Litter (Esperjenza) Alien Species in Malta Globe Project (Air quality) Readings Electricty / Solar Panel Ritratti


Learning Corner for 5-18 year olds by European Commission

If you’re a primary or secondary school pupil, this is where you’ll find games, competitions and activity books to help you discover the EU in a fun way, in the classroom or at home. You can also find out more about studying or volunteering abroad. If you’re a teacher and want to help your pupils learn about the EU and how it works, this is a source of teaching material for all age groups. As well as finding inspiration for lesson plans, you can also discover networking opportunities with other schools and teachers across the EU. You can find material about food, farming, fisheries, environment, climate, energy, culture and much more… NOTE:  This resource is available in various languages.  Links to the Maltese and English versions can be found below.   More direct links in attachments below too.


BEMED Educational Resource Pack – Clean Seas by Eco-Schools Malta

Plastic pollution is one of the greatest environmental disasters affecting the oceans. Once discarded into the natural environment, plastic can take up to 500 years to disappear. Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic litter is thrown into the ocean. Drifting between waters, it can be ingested and can strangle or suffocate many animal species. Under the effect of the sun, it breaks into fragments called microplastics that can be ingested by fishes and enter the food-chain, which can have lasting impacts on human health.


BeMED 12. Persuasive Writing Task

Title Persuasive Writing Task Author Ms. Samantha Abela Age Guide Year 5-11 Subject Area English, Maltese, Geography, Social Studies, ICT, Environmental Studies Preparation Time Nil Estimated Duration 2 hours Site Classroom or computer lab Educational objectives Students understand and are empowered to address the real causes and consequences of unsustainable behaviour within the context of an interdependent and globalised world. Learning Outcomes – I can order ideas and describe them effectively to contribute to discussions supported by the teacher. – I can write for a stated purpose, using grammar and sentence starters. – I can gather information from long and complex articles and books. Link to SDGs SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production SDG 14:  Life below water Educational resources required Interactive Whiteboard Appendix 12.1 – Spider diagram Appendix 12.2 – Writing frame Appendix 12.3 – Capturing your audience Appendix 12.4 – Persuasive writing vocabulary Appendix 12.5 – Writing prompts discussions Appendix 12.6 – Websites to help students with research Internet Connection Remote preparation The ‘Fact-Finding’ Task can be done before the lesson and allot more time to writing and class discussion. The links provided can be sent to the students beforehand. Planning Considerations The lesson can be done in class or in a Computer Lab. In case of a Lab, booking of the facility would be required. The Fact-Finding task can be done as an introduction or as a pre-task before the lesson. Students require some technological device and an internet connection during the lesson for the Fact-Finding task. Students should be warned about the huge amount of information available online. Teachers can opt to: Limit the websites they search by giving them a prescribed list or by limiting the search by geographical zone example: things related to Malta only. Method Introduction 5 minutes – The teacher introduces the topic of ‘Persuasive Writing’. The teacher asks what is the meaning of the word ‘Persuasive’ and can create a spider diagram (Appendix 12.1) on the board jotting down the students’ ideas before giving the following definition: “making you want to do or believe a particular thing” – Definition by Cambridge Dictionary “able, fitted or intended to persuade” “inducement” – Definition by Development 10 minutes -The teacher moves on to introduce the students to the main activity. The students will act as opinion writers for a local newspaper. They are concerned with the presence of plastic litter in our seas. The task is to: Write a letter addressed to the editor in which they have to: ·       Outline their concern by explaining what it is about. ·       Provide evidence on the concern by quoting events, sources, statistics, etc. ·       Provide arguments about the concern, namely why this is an important issue to be tackled. ·       Provide ideas about possible solutions to the concern. ·       Conclude the letter in a positive manner, hoping that you are acknowledged. The teacher can provide a Writing Frame (Appendix 12.2) to guide the students in their task. 20 minutes – Now that the students know …


Eco-Gozo Resources

Various resources for schools available here


Not Just Numbers

Not Just Numbers is a complete teachers’ toolkit about asylum and migration in Europe. The kit was developed in 2009 by UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) with funding provided by the European Commission. Materials available A teachers’ manual explaining the main facts and definitions on asylum and migration in Europe, and a step by step explanation of a few class exercises. A series of video portraits of migrants and refugees available online via the links below and on a DVD. Video of Iranian refugee Rean Video of Kosovo refugee Adelina Video of Congolese migrant Doré Video of Italian migrant worker Tino Video of Mexican skilled workers Veronica and Alfredo A two minute video exercise without subtitles showing migrants and refugees arriving in a boat on the sea. A set of photos for use in a photo exercise. Download as pdfs: Photo 1; Photo 2; Photo 3; Photo 4; Photo 5; Photo 6; Photo 7 All material also available in Maltese and various other languages.


Water in Malta – Documentary

Water – the source of life. In Malta, water is a scarce resource. Consumerism and short-sighted policies are driving us to dangerous levels. It’s time we took action; before it is too late. This documentary which is just under 13 minutes long is in Maltese with English subtitles. This video was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this audiovisual production are the sole responsibility of KOPIN and its project partners and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. This documentary is offered free of charge for education purposes. It may not be edited and must be shown in its entirety. For any other use, prior clearance must be obtained from KOPIN and Mediacoop Ltd.


Letter to Students from Bishop Grech on the Occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

Bishop Mario Grech wrote a letter to children about the Environment on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, which Pope Francis wishes to be celebrated by the Catholic Church, in communion with the Orthodox Church, on the 1st of September starting from this year.


Consumer Classroom – also in Maltese…

Consumer Classroom is a new collaborative website for teachers about consumer education. It provides free, high quality resources for teachers along with interactive and collaborative tools to help teachers prepare lesson plans to share with students and other teachers from across the EU. Sign Up now on


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Frar 2014

Din il-ħarġa tippreżenta storja ħelwa li tispjega l-importanza ta’ kull ħaġa ħajja fis-sistema biex iżżomm bilanċ.  Anke jekk jonqos speċi wieħed ta’ insett jaf jaffetwa l-ikbar annimal u l-ammont ta’ pjanti fin-natura u jħawwad il-proċess naturali kollu.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Diċembru 2013

F’din il-paġna se nibdew niltaqgħu ma’ żewġ nemliet, Ninu u Nina, li jgħaddu minn ħafna avventuri flimkien.  Illum ma’ Ninu u Nina nitgħallmu dwar il-prodotti li jkollhom GMOs.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Ottubru 2013

F’din il-paġna se nibdew niltaqgħu ma’ żewġ nemliet, Ninu u Nina, li jgħaddu minn ħafna avventuri flimkien.  Illum ma’ Ninu u Nina nitgħallmu dwar l-enerġija nadifa.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Ġunju 2013

F’din il-ħarġa insibu sora f’forma ta’ diskussjoni bejn naħla u żunżana…  Kif għandna nġibu ruħna meta naraw naħal jew żunżan???


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – April 2013

Din il-ħarġa tippreżentalna diskussjoni ħelwa bejn siġra, vann u jidhol ukoll għasfur.  Ejjew naraw x’għandhom xi jgħidulna….


Fonzu l-Fenek – Educational Song

A children’s song in Maltese featuring a day in the life of Fonzu l-Fenek. Kanzunetta bil-Malti għat-tfal dwar ġurnata tipika ta’ Fonzu l-Fenek.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Frar 2013

This time, Mandy and Raymond went to the market with their aunt Lily. They were happily singing about the importance to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. During a short discussion between the vegetables we hear about how we can avoid using plastic bags and why. And how about the stamp Raymond discovered on the eggs, that is, before he made an omelete out of them…?


Poeżija dwar l-użu għaqli tal-ilma

Din il-poeżija inkitbet wara li l-istudenti tal-Iskola tal-Furjana mil-Kulleġġ San Ġorġ Preca identifikaw modi kif ma jinħeliex ilma u dawn inġabru f’poeżija bis-saħħa tal-iskrivana tal-iskola stess!


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Diċembru 2012

December brings with it colder weather, more colds and of course Christmas! This issue is a discussion about heating versus moving around to keep warm. There are various ways how to keep warm without using electricity or other fuels. Well, quite something to think about… A Blessed Christmas to All.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Ottubru 2012

We are now back in school after the holidays. Are we doing our best to avoid effecting the environment negatively with our actions? Are we taking care to take our lunch in a lunch box, avoiding all sorts of wrapping?Are we using a reusable water bottle instead of a disposable one, throwing it away? Let’s check our actions…


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Mejju 2012

How are Maltese proverbs related to renewable energy? There are quite a few proverbs related to weather – wind, sun, etc. which indicate how powerful these sources actually are. A wind turbine would certainly harness this power and turn it into electricity…


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – April 2012

Do we know enough about Fairtrade products? What is the difference? Are we aware that products we buy might have been made by children? Or by adults who work very long hours and are underpaid? We should put in more effort to look for Fairtrade products and buy them instead of the usual ones. Naf biżżejjed dwar prodotti Fairtrade? X’inhi d-differenza?


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Marzu 2012

Some school committees and other people take up the initiative to plant trees but unfortunately others steal, uproot trees or vandalise these trees.  What can be done? Xi kumitati ta’ studenti fi skejjel u nies oħrajn, jieħdu inizzjattivi biex iħawwlu siġar imma hawn oħrajn li jisirqu, jaqilgħu jew jivvandalizzaw dawn is-siġar.  X’jista’ jsir?


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Frar 2012

Can we walk to school? Can we use cars less? This issue is about the walking school bus. Students meet at a point. One parent collects school bags in a car whilst other parents walk altogether with the students to school.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Jannar 2012

Rain water. Where does it go? Is it collected in reservoirs or valleys? Or does it run of to the sea? This story is aimed to raise the children’s curiosity about all this. How can we collect rain water?


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Diċembru 2011

This story is aimed to encourage care for animals and since not all can have an animal at home, they can instead visit and give help at a local animal sanctuary. Din l-istorja mmirata biex ikun hawn iktar min jieħu ħsieb l-annimali.  Għalkemm ħafna tfal iħobbu l-annimali mhux kulħadd jista jżomm annimal d-dar.  Minflok, jistgħu iżuru santwarju tal-annimali u forsi anke jagħtu daqqa t’id hemm stess…


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Novembru 2011

The November issue is aimed to attract attention towards the consumption of local food as compared to imported food and the food miles involved. It-tieni episodju jattira l-attenzjoni dwar il-konsum ta’ ikel lokali u kemm ikel impurtat jinvolvi konsum ta’ riżorsi biex jasal Malta.


X’inhu l-NCF? – Sketch għat-tfal tal-primarji

Audrey Gauci, bil-għajnuna ta’ Elizabeth Saliba preparaw dan l-isketch biex permezz tiegħu jispjegaw lil studenti taħt l-għaxar snin x’inhu l-NCF u kif ser jaffetwa lilhom.


EkoSkola f’Tagħna t-Tfal – Ottubru 2011

Mr Johann Gatt, EkoSkola Coordinator is contributing to Tagħna t-Tfal with short stories about eco-issues… this is the first in line introducing EkoSkola and encouraging the use of lunchboxes instead of using plastic bags, foil or paper to wrap lunches in. Is-Sur Johann Gatt, Koordinatur ta’ EkoSkola qed jagħti kontribut fil-publikazzjoni Tagħna t-Tfal permezz ta’ stejjer qosra li ppjanati li jqajjmu nteress dwar kunċetti ambjentali fost it-tfal… din hija l-ewwel ħarġa li tintroduċi EkoSkola u tqajjem kuxjenza dwar skart li jirriżulta minn ippakjar ta’ ikel flok ma tintuża lunch box.
