Water Explorer

What is Water Explorer?
Water Explorer is a fun, inspiring and educational programme that empowers thousands of students across the world to lead joint action on water issues for their schools and communities. Water Explorer is fully funded and supported in 11 countries and is free to all schools taking part. Top Water Explorer teams earn the chance to represent their country in the International Food and Water Youth Awards in Milan 2015.

What do Water Explorers achieve?
Water Explorer supports 8 -14 year olds on a student-led mission to rescue our waterful world. Water Explorers are supported to:

  • Complete water-based challenges on key water issues
  • Collaborate with other students across the world
  • Hold community water festivals and win points and prizes
  • Develop a range of transferable knowledge and skills

What impact will Water Explorer have?
By the end of the two-year programme (Sep 2016), the programme will have resulted in the following (among other) benefits:

  • 1,400 schools with Water Explorer teams
  • 9,000 Water Explorers trained
  • 90,000 students with increased water awareness
  • 475,000 students and community members engaged
  • 240,000 m3 water saved = 95 Olympic swimming pools